Awaken Vibrational Sound Therapy
Terra Brockett, M.A.
Certified Vibrational Therapy Practioner

A little bit about me and how I got here...
Being authentic and living with meaningful relationships is central to both my personal and professional life. I wholeheartedly believe that allowing ourselves to be open and vulnerable with others cultivates connection which in turn leads to meaningful living. Because of this, one of my main professional goals is to create a safe space for people to be their authentic selves. My training in mindfulness started almost 20 years ago at Suan Mokh, a Forest Monastry in Thailand. By deepening my practice in compassion, non-judgement, and loving kindness my ongoing training has supported this specifc goal.
The road to becoming a certified vibrational sound therapy practictioner has been, well, more of a series of roads. Having said this, my work has more often than not been rooted in a desire to support others. After finishing an undergraduate degree in International Development and Economics at Dalhousie, I worked at a respite center for people with special needs. A short time later I had an amazing opportunity to participate in an women and development exchange program in Ukraine that not only changed my world view but planted a bit of a travel bug. This bug took me to South Korea for 4 years where I taught English and was able to establish a regular meditation practice through classes and temple visits.
After coming back to Canada and becoming a mom, my career goals shifted and I started graduate school at the University of Regina. My interest in understanding human suffering and how to change it led me research emodiment. I was interested in the social ways people and their bodies are regulated and how people negotiate these regulations to produce identities. I loved graduate school. Infact, I kind of rocked it, but it was clear when listening to my own body that something wasn't quite right with the fit. As I turned more to my meditation practice trying to sort out what in fact might be the right fit, I found my first singing bowl. It changed my life! The singing bowl became a tool for our family when anyone needed a moment to relax, cool down, or just sit. The bowl deeply resonated with all of us. Its' effectiveness in changing our moods and the emotions in the house led me to start researching the therapeutic use of singing bowls. My passion around vibrational sound therapy bloomed and it was at this point that I officially started my vibrational sound therapy studies. In 2015 I received my certification in vibrational sound therapy from Atma Buti Sound and Vibration School in Boulder Colorado. Now, here I am jumping into my passion with both feet.
Relevant Credentials:
Certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies (Trauma Research Foundation, 2024)
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA Canada, 2019)
First Aid and CPR (Canadian Red Cross, 2019)
Reiki Level 1 & 2 with Jasmin Mackinnon (Sogo Body Therapy, 2013 & 2018 )
The Power of Awareness Meditation Training with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield (The Greatest Good Science Center, University of California, Berkley, 2016)
True Refuge Workshop with Tara Brach (Kripalu, 2015)
Certified Vibrational Sound Therapy (Levels 1, 2, and 3, Atma Buti Sound and Vibration School, 2015)
MA Social Studies (Research focus: embodiment/ dominated and vulnerable bodies. University of Regina, 2014)
Certified in High Five (a program aimed at developing practitioner's skills for developing high quality programming for children. Halifax Regional School Board, 2014)
Certified in Fundamental Movement Skills (a program aimed at developing children's physical literacy. Coaches Association of Ontario, 2014)
Crisis & Trauma Training, Volunteer counselor on Sexual Assault Line (Regina Women's Center 2006-2010)