Reconsidering "All Lives Matter"
Hey folks! I am sitting here thinking about the Black Lives Matter movement and all of the great conversations, information, resources,...

The Use of "Tribe" Attracts Bad Vibes
Earlier this week I read a reflective blog by Jessie Harrold about cultural appropriation* in the healing practices of white women ...

Performing Motherhood
As I think about what I am writing I feel pulled to self-identify my position, like I use to a lifetime ago when the work of Patricia...

Vulnerability Part II: A Recent Lesson in Allowing Ourselves to be Vulnerable Through Cultivating Co
I should start by saying that this is a continuation of a previous blog about the difficulty in allowing ourselves to be vulnearble in a...

The Nature of Reality
My sister and I have had many conversations about what she calls cognitive restructuring and I call shifting our lens (basically changing...

The Power of Vulnerability
Brene Brown, a researcher out of University of Houston, has identified that allowing ourselves to be vulnerable is crucial for deepening...